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rich1051414 t1_j681t0x wrote

I think it is both, as someone who sometimes suffers from insomnia, the depression comes after the sleep disruption, not before, however, I can also see how depression can also cause sleep disruption, especially if coupled with feelings of 'new day dread'. I don't know if there is an actual word for this feeling, but it's one of hopelessness, and not going to sleep is a way to stop yourself from feeling it.


RemakeSWBattlefont t1_j68elfe wrote

For me with deep depression it the opposite. I can sleep just fine, but for the life of me i can't sleep past at latest 4:30 after crashing out at 9. Most of the time its somewhere between midnight at 3 am though. Then what TF do i have to do? I just sit there in the dark shower running contemplating how much i hate this life.