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5GCovidInjection t1_j2tcv6b wrote

It is possible in the US. We have all kinds of environmental legislation drafted in the 70s and 80s based on politicians listening to scientists.

Politicians make the decision on who to listen to. People also make similar decisions. We’ve been listening to the wrong people since the 90s.

We don’t have much time left as a country to act in the interests of consumer safety, fairness, and ethics.


Oerthling t1_j2w8eua wrote

The US legalized political bribery (through a number of braindead SC decisions like Citizens United). As a result Congress has been bought. Legally. The bribe just has to be called a campaign contribution and a lobbyist delivers pre-written laws - how convenient.

What Americans want, if you go by polls (e.g. universal healthcare) and what they get from their politicians (laws that favor the biggest corporations) has been disconnected for many years.

Glass-Stegal Act gets cancelled - hello 2008 crash. Now there's more Too-Big-To-Fail banks playing casino games than ever.

Anti-trust laws are almost defunct, because there's hardly any enforcement. MS was found guilty of criminal anti-competitive activities - the verdict got watered down into irrelevance.