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sanzy1988 t1_j2thji7 wrote

You will see America is higher than most European countries:


Cranialscrewtop t1_j2to3w2 wrote

I would say the world bank has good data.


hydrOHxide t1_j2ue95g wrote

I think you missed that the World Bank explicitly states that they are using national, country-specific poverty lines. What it means to be below the poverty line in the US is something substantially different than what it means to be below the poverty line in Germany.


Cranialscrewtop t1_j2v0i3z wrote

Exactly. Poor in NY is a different income than North Dakota. Same between countries. That's what makes the World Bank's data more meaningful, not less.


sanzy1988 t1_j2tqfok wrote

OECD has more up to date information and you can compare more easily.