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Lady_MoMer t1_j2tvxlz wrote

Does that include abdominal cramps so severe that ER visits are required with the only remedies being Fentanyl and Dilaudid? Which is finally administered after they are absolutely sure you aren't there just to fake it to get the good meds no matter they've never seen you before but thanks to previous jackholes now we're all suspect. Plus they've got to try other stuff such as that awful GI cocktail which numbs your throat and mouth but does nothing to stop those super painful abdominal cramps which btw could not be diagnosed? Word of warning - it would be advantageous to have a supply of adult diapers should this ever happen to you or someone you know has a similar experience. Screw the stigma of having to wear one of those because I can assure you that even when you think you can't produce any more liquids because you've either puked them out or expelled it another way cuz you may have been sitting on the toilet due to the intense cramping pushing down on your bladder causing uncontrollable leakage, I'm speaking from a womans POV mind you, having that protection spares you from embarrassing yourself while sitting in the ER. I can attest to what severe stress can do to a stomach. Seeing this validates more than I even thought. I hope none of you reading this ever has to go through those cramps.


relaxguy2 t1_j2um6gy wrote

I had this and it was diagnosed as gastritis. Not sure what the differences are exactly but they are different.


Vzdubz t1_j2unmal wrote

I’ve never heard of anyone dealing w what I do. Literally high dose of pain meds. Only thing that stops it - IV meds


knowitstime t1_j2v2k4f wrote

could be abdominal migraine. hardly understood and generally treated with old fashioned antihistamines that just knock you unconscious till it passes


Vzdubz t1_j2v2xjq wrote

I have been diagnosed with chrons disease so that’s where this comes from but when I have an attack. Straight to hospital. Pain that causes blacking out it’s so bad, they usually give me pain meds but for whatever reason my body takes lots. I always end up having to get more to dull it


Lady_MoMer t1_j30wdsw wrote

That's what the drs finally told us when my daughter went through something similar a few years before my stress induced visits. Hers was as well but they didn't give her the good meds like I got and she didn't need a diaper. I don't recall if they gave her antihistamines. At one point in time, one lone dr thought maybe it was marijuana sickness but to stop that one just had to shower with hot water. There's no way my issue was going to get better with a simple shower. Hers finally stopped when she got away from the stressors.