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goneinsane6 t1_j31x1t7 wrote

I wonder if this kind of star would be able to have planets, or that the same force that swung them out of their galaxy also kicked out their planets. Imagine a habitable planet orbiting one of these stars, forever out of reach of other stars. Perhaps it could be peaceful and stable, no annoying supernovae nearby to destroy you


aceryz t1_j3269n2 wrote

And completely black night sky, at least to an eye comparable to human's. Maybe a smudge of the closest galaxy, and other planets in the system.


PsychologicalTwo1784 t1_j36is21 wrote

I dunno man, in the absence of planets if you're close to a wandering star, there would be no day or night, only the light of the big ass star right next to you. If you were in interstellar space, it'd probably be pretty dark but we can see distant clusters of galaxies from earth with the naked eye, magelleanic clouds spring to mind... Good questions though!