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Morbo2142 t1_j37q4xi wrote

There should be a quick link to the paradox of tolerance on all of reddit that gets flagged anytime "freedom of speech" is mentioned.

To sum up my views, any speech that is eliminationist, eugenosist, or genocidal should probably be frowned upon at least and prosecutable at most.
"Freedom of speech" is nearly always a cover for this kind of talk, at least in America in the last 2 decades.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j37reve wrote

I'd add Popper did not support restricting free speech to your sticky since redditors misuse his views to support thought restrictions.


CallMe_Immortal t1_j37qqss wrote

Yet it's ok to say "white people need to go". Replace white with any other color and you have "genocidal speech"


Morbo2142 t1_j37roi5 wrote

Did I say anything about skin color? What does that even mean? Need to go?

You're just fragile and afraid because people called you out for being kinda racist.

It's not a zero sum world. Saying we want more bipoc representation doesn't meant that "white" people won't be represented at all?

All this is still nothing about genocide


dr-freddy-112 t1_j382mew wrote

What corner of the internet, or the world, are you hanging out in where you think there are people saying "white people need to go", and everyone is just like "yeah!"? That doesn't happen. White people in the US get criticized for system racism, especially when they stand up for that system. That's about the extent of it. There are very few people saying anything about getting rid of white people. The amount is so small that it's not even worth paying attention to.


assword_69420420 t1_j38zhfa wrote

I think it was unnecessary for that guy to bring race into it, but youve seriously never seen that sentiment? Im not saying its rampant, but ive definitely seen POC talking about the evils of white people or expressing the desire to have a society free of whiteness.


dr-freddy-112 t1_j38zwfe wrote

I've seen it, but the amount of people talking like that is very small, and it's usually called out, too. You get a few sympathizers who use historical context to give them a pass, but those people are in the minority as well.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j392dta wrote

An example or two why someone might think that:

Biden has previously said reducing the percentage of whites in US society is a good thing;

I recall Jimmy Fallon's audience once applauding when he announced a report of whites becoming a minority in a certain projected year

I could give others: police investigations over signs saying "it's ok to be white";

Racist signs during blm supremacist rallies claiming "white silence is violence";


dr-freddy-112 t1_j3955ol wrote

Source on the Biden comment? Source for police investigations into "it's ok to be white" signs?

Jimmy Falon's show is entertainment. There are cue cards for how the audience is supposed to react. You can't use that as an example of that being the opinion of a large group of people.

BLM has nothing to do with racial supremacy. "White silence is violence" is not racist. White people being silent about racial injustice, even when they're not perpetrating it, creates more injustice for people of color. This is a spinoff of something that MLK said.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j397frx wrote


"Folks like me who were Caucasian, of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America from then and on will be White European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s as a source of our strength.”

>"White silence is violence" is not racist.

It's literal incitement to violence against whites, and that's what you'd say if whites held posters claiming "muslim silence is violence" after a terror attack.


dr-freddy-112 t1_j398m6b wrote

>"That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.”

This is him saying that diversity is good, not that fewer white people being in the US is good. It's a stand against the GOP scare tactic of "we're being outnumbered".

>It's literal incitement to violence against whites

No, it's not. I don't think you understand what this statement means. It means that white people not standing up against racial discrimination is causing more violence against people of color. It's saying that if you stand by while injustice happens, you're complicit. It's not a call to violence at all.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j39aaoe wrote

>This is him saying that diversity is good, not that fewer white people being in the US is good

That's called reducing the percentage of whites in the US.

Notice no one says this of the black population in an inner city neighborhood becoming a minority.

>I don't think you understand what this statement means

What do you think violence means? Isn't it ok to use violence in response to violence? Calling whites violent is literal incitement.

Notice how you avoid replacing "white" with muslim or black in a different context.


dr-freddy-112 t1_j39b5jh wrote

You're being disingenuous with that Biden quote.

If Black or Muslim people were the majority, white people were being discriminated against, and those majority groups were silent, it would be the same thing. It would be "Black silence is violence" in that they would be complicit in the violence happening to white people who have less power due to their smaller population.

It's relative to the balance of power.

Honestly, it seems like you're thinking top-down. You came to a conclusion and are now trying very hard to find information that supports your claim, rather than starting with the information to form a whole picture.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j39cxnx wrote

>You're being disingenuous with that Biden quote

That's a straightforward conclusion of the quote.

>discriminated against

But blacks aren't societally discriminated against. In fact, whites are societally discriminated against. So how are whites to speak out against discrimination when they're the actual victims?

>If Black or Muslim people were the majority

In many urban areas blacks are in fact the majority or plurality, and often hold institutional political power, and carry out disproportionate violence against ethnic groups such as Asians and Jews. In Chicago and New York the mayor and police chief are black.

Do you agree black silence is violence (against Asians)?

Shouldn't blacks openly condemn black-on-Asian violence before entering Asian owned stores where there's a power dynamic favoring blacks over Asians?

>It's relative to the balance of power.

So it's ok to use violence against a group until they follow the disputed beliefs you hold? If white silence is literally violence don't you agree violence is justified in self-defense?

Or do you oppose violence in self-defense?


dr-freddy-112 t1_j39d7w0 wrote

You need help, my dude. You've wandered into some dark right wing echo chambers and it shows. Whites are not discriminated against in the US. I'm done conversing with you. Get some help.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j39drj7 wrote

Should Asian shop owners in NYC be allowed to prohibit violent patrons? If blacks are silent to black-on-Asian violence then aren't they acting violently toward marginalized Asians ?


[deleted] t1_j38cui2 wrote



i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j39371y wrote

Plus all the other societies in the world. Nigeria isn't exactly welcoming Ukrainian refugees and changing their national identity.


Undisolving t1_j3832k4 wrote

Ah yes, white people are the most persecuted people… in your head.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j392svj wrote

They're the only group where a sign about them being "ok" triggers police investigations