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mo_tag t1_j3gc3fi wrote

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.. not much point trying to show HCQ doesn't work when the people that believe it does don't care about evidence


[deleted] t1_j3mr08z wrote

You are correct about evidence. It’s a shame that HCQ was dismissed as a red herring so early on during the pandemic. Perhaps if MD’s were able to prescribe it, some lives may have been saved. Not saying that it’s a cure, but there was simply not enough evidence to dismiss it as useless. Let’s keep in mind the nation of Nigeria. Since even viruses like polio are still a threat in that location, it’d make sense to figure Coronavirus would run rampant throughout the country (population @ 260million). The opposite is true. Death and infection rates from corona run pretty low. Malaria being a huge problem there necessitates HCQ to be available OTC. Couple that with a traditional diet high in zinc (yams, shellfish) and you’ve got the fixings for a population with potential strong resistance.