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Hmm_would_bang t1_j604qad wrote

Some of these shortages likely won’t be a massive issue. You can look to israel for saltwater treatment, they figured it out because they couldn’t be dependent on their neighbors not damming their fresh water sources.

It’s inevitable this investment eventually comes to the American southwest, and eventually spreads out through humanitarian efforts to developing nations experiencing drought.

Similarly, several other people in this thread have discussed the alternatives to modern fertilization.

In fact almost all of the issues with shortages likely won’t be a big problem has they have known alternatives in place. The cost/benefit from a strictly financial perspective just isn’t there yet to implement them. And as a result our natural resources continue to suffer


mad_drop_gek t1_j605jr9 wrote

Do you have any idea how much energy that desalination process costs? It is not a long term solution, unless energy all of a sudden becomes abundant. On top of that, explain that to any landlocked country, with no saltwater access. The deep and dark valley most of the developing world will need to crawl through will be horrendous.