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autistic_bard444 t1_j3nruj6 wrote

because short sighted people have been stuck on the ozone layer being the problem for decades now

it's like trying to repair a wall while the house is on fire


gerundive t1_j3okru9 wrote

No, it really isn't.


autistic_bard444 t1_j3olcah wrote

because 500ppm co2 isnt the issue

nor is a million tones of cfcs getting put into the atmosphere each year

nor is the bacteria overgrowth in baffin bay and the arctic oceans which raises the water temperature because the result of bacteria growth is heat

never mind the methane deposits going up, or the fact that the arctic has literally been on fire for years or that every mountain top glacier is melting at unprecedented rates, that the swiss alps is a forest now

no. it cant be humans destroying the planet, it must be the ozone layer? not industrialization, or the fact that we burn up 4 earths worth of resources a year. it cant be all the vehicles and coal we burn

no. it has to be the ozone layer

get a grip and wake up and smell what you're shoveling

what humans started 200 years ago. will not be stopped by the ozone hole fixing itself. our childrens children will inherit a wasteland because of what humans have done. mean while boomers think everything is fine and they refuse to take any methods to fix the issue?

but it's the ozone
