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Rakshear t1_j6lktod wrote

I can testify to this, I have crps, and I spent 10 years on heavy medication, all prescribed from pain management specialists, I was on 6-10 medications at any one time including multiple opioids and narcotics, I got my card and tried medical marijuana two years ago, within 6 months I was off all but two. I lost my entire 20s to prescribed pills, and this plant is finally giving me some aspects of my life back.


realnanoboy t1_j6lq9a9 wrote

Thank you for sharing, and I am glad that cannabis works to reduce your other medications. What do you mean by "antibiotics" here?


Financial-Savings-91 t1_j6lr0g7 wrote

Thanks to canibus my 90g a day oxy prescription was tapered down to 30g replaced with canibus & nabilone, (synthetic thc since higher does edibles are not available here yet).

Anecdotally I agree. Glad to hear you’ve also had success!


pretendperson1776 t1_j6ly5vn wrote

I had the opportunity to read some palliative medicine books at one point. Something that was brought up frequently was hoe a sense of helplessness and other negative emotions could heighten the perception of pain. I didn't look at the year of publication, but it didn't seem like a new book. I don't imagine these Cannabis findings are a surprise to anyone in the game of reducing suffering in humans.


Lazy-Lawfulness3472 t1_j6na82k wrote

I smoke all day. Helps with pain and the boredom of having to sit all day when I used to run every morning. God, I'd go insane if it weren't for pot. Seriously. Pot doesn't seem to kill pain as much as diverts your awareness onto other stimuli. The pain is still there, similar to pain pills that just make you so you don't care about the pain. Narcotics don't kill pain, they down you our til you just don't care about the pain


MagicalJunicorn t1_j6nwuw7 wrote

Cannabis keeps me off daily opioid intake completely.


Acceptable_Wall4085 t1_j6n6nc5 wrote

Makes a great muscle relaxant too. Indica dominant strains are great for sleep inducing. It’s not called Indacouch for no reason.


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EconomistPunter t1_j6lethi wrote

Cannabis and the impact on opioids is one of the more consistent substance use disorder findings from the lit (maybe the one true impact).

Unfortunately, it doesn’t really translate into meaningful reductions (or consistently found reductions) in overdose death rates from opioids. Or admissions to the hospital with opioids detected as a primary substance.

The bigger question is the links between other SUD’s and cannabis, most of which rely on shoddy, preclinical studies.


thiscouldbemassive t1_j6lxsnn wrote

So how soon before cannabis comes in boring pill form and is routinely proscribed post operatively.


witcwhit t1_j6n9jka wrote

It's been in pill form, called marinol, for a very long time, but is primarily prescribed to people with AIDS, cf, or people undergoing chemo.