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entropy512 t1_j4ktb3y wrote

>gallinaceous poultry

I had never seen this term before and looked it up:

Last summer my family visited a puffin breeding ground - we were warned not to go near or feed any of the birds, and especially not go near any dead ones due to the avian flu. Puffins weren't the only bird species that hung out there.

There were bodies of a variety of bird species strewn along the shore below the rocks, and you could smell the stench of the rotting carcasses. Strangely, it didn't seem like the puffins were affected - could this have been due to them being from a different part of the evolutionary tree?

Either way - I've seen people say that this whole avian flu thing is a hoax, but I've seen and smelled the results out in the wild.

Edit: indicates that the puffins appearing to be OK may have been an illusion.