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External-Ad-9489 t1_j4l6nw6 wrote

It’s an interesting correlation that certainly deserves additional study. I’ve had COVID twice but was never hospitalized. Since then, I had to go through a regimen of Prilosec (pump inhibitor) for nasty heartburn and recently went to the doctor for what I would consider IBS. I’d love to hear how others are treating their IBS, other than simple changes in diet


heavy-metal-goth-gal t1_j4ls5i9 wrote

It's not really a simple change, but going vegan has helped my digestive issues. Born with gerd and IBS too and they're the best they've ever been. Or least bad.


Mean_Cantaloupe5460 t1_j4m7op2 wrote

Meds. After covid I was diagnosed celiacs and ulcerative colitis (ibd) now will be on meds for that


jindizzleuk t1_j4maj7e wrote

My personal long Covid journey involved MCAS drugs (famotidine, ketotifen), low histamine/auto-immune protocol diet followed by pre and probiotics based on 16S testing (mine had Prevotella copri overgrowth). Over time you can reintroduce foods until gut issues are resolved.