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EmpathyZero t1_j5wckwn wrote

My best friend is an OB/Gyn. She had her first baby in residency when she was pulling 80-90 hours per week. She worked until the day before she delivered. She also had to make up the calls she missed on maternity leave.

Her friend was still seeing patients in labor because she was on duty. She would leave a patients room to go scream through a contraction in an empty room next door. Up until an attending told her to go get admitted.

Some women can do ok working. And the OB says patients that were active and stay active have easier deliveries in general vs sedentary patients.

It makes me how the hospitals these women are working in are causing the increase. Is it chemical exposures? Poor sleep? Poor diet? It would be interesting to see what a work day in a Korean hospital is like.