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_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j4ry1hz wrote

No. If you can look at the totality of the US’s historical and current marginalization of Black communities and come to the conclusion it’s just some trait inherent in Black people, I’m going to assume a racist outlook. Let’s work on ensuring Black folks have equal footing in this society and then you can take a look at intra-community dynamics. But there’s not a way to, in my opinion, divorce the Black experience from generations of white supremacist oppression to draw these conclusions in a way that isn’t disingenuous.

(Edit: cont’d) Imagine asking, in 1950, “why does this have to be so ideological. Can’t we just point to some cultural dysfunction in the Black community?” as if we don’t have Black people drinking from separate water fountains. Things may be better than they we’re in 1950, but to assume that were in such a better place that those dynamics aren’t still pertinent is naive, if not intentionally harmful. It’s crazy to me that white people think that 350 years of legalized racial separation and impression is suddenly gone in the course of 50 years. It’s the privilege and naïveté of the oppressor to just turn their backs to those inconvenient truths.