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Demoire t1_j4skdpj wrote

I sleep better with marijuana but I’ve seen reseaech that shows marijuana inhibits proper REM sleep and so the sleep we do get is actually poorer quality. Over time, if I’m remembering correctly, it was found to be correlated with negative things as opposed to remaining helpful or neutral.

I use marijuana concentrate every day - not too much, it’s for sure reasonable - and to sleep, and can’t say I’ve noticed any negative effects after a couple years so far.


ahfoo t1_j4uhll1 wrote

Be careful of those negative correlations. There is a huge anti-cannabis political agenda that is still going strong. As you yourself put it, you have not noticed any negative effects. Why would you assume that there must be some downside?


Jazzlike-Principle67 t1_j4sudwk wrote

You could research Alpha-Stim as an alternative. Yes, it's a prescription, and yes, insurance doesn't cover it, but for what it does and the cumulative effects, it is worth the money. I've used Alpha-Stim for >12 years. I paid for it myself on a fixed income because I knew how important it was for my recovery from my car accident and for the symptoms of my other medical conditions I developed following it. It helped decrease the number of medications I need to take.
