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Viperbunny t1_j4smqsy wrote

It has saved my life. I have chronic pain from several autoimmune disorders. Basically, being abused has caused my body to eat itself and it sucks. I was so anti pot. I thought it was the worst. I am sure if you go through my early post history you would find it. I believed all the bad. Then I go desparate.

I can't take NSAIDS, but I can take CBD. It does help my inflammation. I take THC at night for pain and cPTSD. I went from being basically a nervous shut in to being a much happier person. I am a better mom and wife. I started driving for the first time in .y adult life (after years of anxiety). I have been in therapy as well, and my therapist is amazing. He, too, has saved my life. Currently, I am sick. I don't know if it is the stomach bug or food poisoning, but it is bad. Pot has made it so I finally stopped throwing up.


Jazzlike-Principle67 t1_j4syepq wrote

I'm glad you found something to help. Look into EMDR for your PTSD. This was extremely helpful for mine. Have your therapist check into Alpha-Stim, too. This may be something that could be helpful. (I have CP, too along with FM & CF)

If it's Food poisoning, it's usually coming out both ends. Stomach bug - usually one or the other. Be sure to drink plenty of water or Pedialyte if it lasts too many days.

Hopefully you're feeling better soon.


Viperbunny t1_j4t2iyo wrote

Thanks. Sadly, both ends. I joke that I thought being an adult meant getting to eat cake and stay up late. What it really meant was grabbing a puke bucket, putting on some depends and driving my kids to school! Luckily, I am starting to keep down fluids. I have two kitty nurses and a husband who keeps me supplied in soup and water.