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Handplanes t1_j4yezcl wrote

The last year of my grandpa’s life, he had a stint in the hospital where he nearly died due to heart failure, and all the related issues it causes (low oxygen, fluid buildup in his legs, etc.)

After some intense intervention & a week’s stay, he barely made it out of the hospital. He then spent a year at home miserable, in constant pain, barely aware of what was going on. He spent all day & night sitting in the same recliner chair, “watching” TV, and was barely able to stand or walk a few steps. It was heartbreaking to see him & know how much he was suffering, he was an empty shell for most of that time.

I think the people who want to try any and all measures to prolong someone’s end-of-life, don’t realize how much suffering they could be putting that person through. Expecting an 85-90 year old person to leave the hospital after CPR, intubation, etc. and go back to a normal life is crazy or just completely naive.

Seeing that taught me a lot about the realities of end-of-life, and I hope that mine will be easier.