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iisoprene t1_j5294px wrote

Naïve question but, are there any documented cases of people losing fingers from nail salon UV exposure?


HeliopauseNgo t1_j52b7gm wrote

I never liked using those because they stung almost immediately and after a minute, my hand would feel like it was micro shriveling.


JensenWench t1_j52qv5k wrote

Wait. 20 mins? Who has their hands under one of those for 20 mins? It’s like 30 seconds


Prestigious_Carpet29 t1_j52tw21 wrote

I'm a guy, and am not into fancy nails at all. Also a physicist - gut response is I can't imagine why you'd want to use UV light for that for more than 30 seconds!

(And/or if it really takes 20 minutes of UV there's probably a better way of achieving the same end)


S0ulSage t1_j534td2 wrote

Most who do their nails often have fingerless gloves. Also 20 minutes is a bit extreme. Even with my at home uv light I need 3-4 minutes total to set my nails. Max would be 5-6 min if I'm doing something crazy that involves multiple layers.


Aporkalypse_Sow t1_j53x5el wrote

So then they need to study short term cumulative effects. Which I'm sure they will, but they first had to get a baseline on potential damage. The alarming part was that some of the damage would not heal. Which could mean that repeated use could add up.

Smoking one cigarette won't give you cancer, but keep subjecting your lungs to it and you increase your odds. The question is whether or not you want to risk finger cancer for fancy nails.


ubermeisters t1_j55mdt6 wrote

I'm a guy. Not into fancy nails. My best friend is a girl who is definitely into fancy nails. I also have 3D printing as a hobby, part of that being UV resin related. I have worked out that the UV light which I use to cure my models after printing, is the same wavelength as the acrylic setting UV lights. it doesn't even take 5 minutes for a large model to be cured all the way through, and that model doesn't need to be clear. The longest I've seen nails take is like 3 or 4 minutes. so where does 20 minutes garbage is coming from, I really don't understand? That's a fuckload of UV light, and would make the nails beyond brittle...


ubermeisters t1_j55mipp wrote

imagine making a life decision based on an improper article designed to scare people. think about the last time you used one of these, do you think you were under it for 20 minutes or even close? there's a substantial difference.