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Present_Use_6357 t1_j5dndrq wrote

I took an edible and went catatonic and hallucinated for hours. For the next month or so I had racing thoughts that were so bad I would stare off into space for hours before coming back to reality. The content of my racing thoughts were very paranoid and full of rage. It was like being the most angry you can possibly be, non stop for weeks. When I would come too I would cry because I wanted it to stop so bad but within seconds I would be back in the thought spiral. I also had all the other classic mixed symptoms (depression/fatigue mixed with no sleep, agitation, rapid speaking, and a lot of energy). It culminated with more intense delusions, thinking I was in a simulation and other people were robots ect. I gradually stabilized with antipsychotics but have since weened off of them. Unfortunately, the racing thoughts, rage and paranoia have comeback but to a lesser degree and I am afraid that it’s my new baseline.