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Exoddity t1_j5dp8bg wrote

type 2 here. When I'm on mushrooms, I'm relaxed. Everything I do is more focused, more deliberate, and with greater ease. I'm more creative, I'm more sociable, and generally at my best with regard to everything I do. The world around me seems more vibrant, less depressing, and you would not ever think for a second that I'm "on" something, other than noting how at ease I am compared to normal, if you know me.

The only problem is it's not the kind of drug you can just take all the time. I relegate myself to once every couple months, in order to get the most from the experience. I've been growing my own for the last 13 years or so and have never had a single bad experience with them. But I also have a rule against sharing psychoactive / hallucinogenics with other people because you never know how they're going to react. It's definitely not something I'd recommend to some one who isn't somewhat grounded as a person. If you're given to notions of the supernatural, without understanding (to the best you can, currently) the science behind what's going on with your brain when you take them, I think you're going to have a bad time.