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NYCmob79 t1_j5n7ckq wrote

Is not a guess. We are over due by several hundred thousand years. The average is 200k years, but the last one was 750k years ago. I'm in the northern hemisphere. We have no winter. I haven't wore a coat this year yet. It should be freezing. I think this is happening now. Soon our winter months will be our summer months and vice versa.


SneakyCrouton t1_j5naob7 wrote

First, your math makes no sense, saying it's 550,000 years overdue does make it definite in the next 75 years. And secondly, the seasons are affected by the tilt of the Earth and potentially weather effects such as trade winds which have been affected by the changing sea temperatures due to global warming.


ZeroOnline t1_j5nhhm4 wrote

I'm also in the northern hemisphere and when I look out my window I see snow. We had a snow storm a few days ago. Roads are salted. I'v been wearing my winter jacket. Granted it's not as cold as normal, but it's winter. You might also want to be more specific on where exactly in the northern hemisphere you are, because 2 weeks ago most of Midland America was in the freezing temperatures. Chill tf out.


SLR_ZA t1_j5ny1im wrote

>he last one was 750k years ago. I'm in the northern hemisphere. We have no winter. I

The magnetic north and south pole do not affect the seasons. The earths tilt affects seasons. This does not swap.


And because it happens every 200k years on average and we are beyond that does not mean it will happen in the next 75 years. What about 100 years ago by the same argument?