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Cumupin420 t1_jegor71 wrote

That is exactly what the theory is. I think mdma is more promising based only on the health risks with ibogaine, it's hard on your heart and liver or kidney (think liver). Check out mapps.Org they are studying mushrooms and mdma and where the first to start/get approved to do human studies. They also are focusing on vets and there partners. Super interesting


Cumupin420 t1_jego8xa wrote

If you're doing dmt right it doesn't seem more profound than lsd it simply is. I have never left this planet on lsd and I used to do way to high a dose. I've only met my guide or the aliens on mushrooms and dmt. Ket got close but to disassociative to transcend to different plane


Cumupin420 t1_jegngvh wrote

It's the zero cravings that gets me. Like I want to drink beer for the taste but the idea of alcohol's turns me off to it. Used to start thinking about drinking at 2pm then went to never thinking about it at all.

Starting to be socially acceptable now to, that's cool


Cumupin420 t1_jegn0bz wrote

The funny part is it's entirely a side effect. Was ketamine for me but I just totally lost all urge to drink. Went home and just stopped with a beer fridge full of good micro and macro brews. I was told it could happen but thought "yeah right, if you're looking for that sure" I didn't have a problem per say but I drank 4-5 beers 5 days a week then nothing for 3 years, started drinking again for a month and just don't like it anymore. I will have a drink on holidays/special occasions but just one. I do miss the taste of beer a lot though, just no urge to drink it. Crazy


Pigs_in_the_Porridge t1_jegm87z wrote

Ibogaine's method of action is much different than psychedelics and it really doesn't belong in that category. Proponents often call it an "oneiric," meaning dream-inducing.

It also has a published nominal death rate of 1 in 300. It can cause bradycardia and anyone with a heart condition should absolutely avoid it.


Postnificent t1_jegkauz wrote

You can buy CBD isolate from Chicbd for about 5 dollars per gram in small quantities or around 2 dollars per day which is far more manageable cost wise than buying the snake oil elixirs and gummies sold at stores. Just decarboxylate then capsule it up. Ezpz.