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el_chaquiste t1_j8xbonv wrote

I'm sure some people would pay for a version with longer memory, with eccentricities and all.


blueSGL t1_j8xfc70 wrote

> I'm sure some people would pay for a version with longer memory, with eccentricities and all. the kinks.

come on man, the pun was right there!


Cryptizard t1_j8xopxr wrote

It’s a technical limitation. Attention mechanisms scale poorly and there is an upper limit to the size of the context window.


azriel777 t1_j8y47u9 wrote

What we would pay for is the AI in the movie HER.


nvmthatwasboring t1_j8ye3iy wrote

A version of HER with Sydney as the love interest would be amazing. It would veer straight from "shy awkward scifi romance" into "wacky yandere AI girlfriend comedy"


I would watch the hell out of that remake