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visarga t1_j6uev3y wrote

> Some Blue Collar jobs have been replaced by automation but everyone knows their time is short as job cuts keep coming as efficiency is improved meaning less workers required to do the same amount of work.

Why do you believe there will be the same amount of work? A company will have to compete, AI will raise the bar for everyone. So they have to work harder in order to achieve better quality or more diversity or customisation. When your competition has AI and humans, you are going to be at a disadvantage with just AI.


Sh1ner t1_j6uju5p wrote

As there is more work to do that we ain't doing right now. Simply because other tasks take precedence.
If all my tasks that I want to do for a better life were solved for me over night. I simply would take upon a new set of tasks that would improve my life further. Same applies to societies.