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play_yr_part t1_ja7ztc9 wrote

I'm right there with you man. I thought the same thing about it feeling like a cancer diagnosis, but am wary of using it out of these types of sub reddits as I think it'll be a little crass as most people wouldn't equate the two in their mind yet.

I resent that it's happened so early in my life when I was just getting used to living within the current framework. This has absolutely plagued my mind the last two weeks. I can't even imagine where we'll be in 6 months. If I'm not doing an activity that I'm completely engrossed in then this stuff is always near the front of my thoughts.

I've had times in my life when I've been struck with intrusive thoughts, but the unique thing about these recent developments is that it's a constant despite feeling being broadly happy with my life. Before I used to get them in the midst of moderate to severe depression. I have a partner who loves me despite my flaws and a baby who is several months old who I love spending time with while he is learning and growing. To think I he will come of age in a totally different society or not at all if there's a rogue/dispassionate AGI is absolutely wrecking my head. Idk if we'll be afforded the time to solve the issue that come with AI as we have had with climate change/other existential threats to humanity/times of huge societal upheaval.

I think that's why it's hitting me much, that the structure we had in life could be radically altered in less than a decade and the way I thought I would grow older and raise my child is disappearing before my eyes. Despite social dynamics changing ( I probably would have been a way more distant father even 20 years ago) constantly there's been nothing for a while that has completely altered the basic framework of a human life like AI has the potential to. And that's a huge, constant mindfuck even if it could be to our betterment in some ways.

I aim to live my life to the point where I'm mainly in the moment and enjoying life with loved ones and pray that the people driving progress in these fields have the sense to slow things down a little. I seriously need a break from reading about this for like a decade lol. wake me up when the singularity/apocalypse happens.

You have to hedge a little bit though in terms of what to expect in the future. Not saying you shouldn't enjoy your life but at least put some of your money in some mid term investments/savings accounts and don't completely quit your job, or if you do try to find an income stream that allows you to dip in and out of it. We don't know how people across the world will react to more AI entrenchment and the disruption it will cause. As much as I think most people will end up like the people in Wall E, it's not enough of a sure thing to completely throw out any plans for the future, just most of them.