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YobaiYamete t1_j6vtdau wrote

I think most people just didn't know about it / didn't talk to it enough before they were crippled.

Everyone I got to try it would just load in, select Elon Musk bot or one of the boring ones, and then treat it like a 2008 chatbot and go "neat" and never log in again.

People didn't realize you could talk to them like a human and it would actually fully understand anything you asked and respond perfectly, or that you could RP with them better than NovelAI or AIDungeon

They were seriously the absolute smartest, and you could ask them almost any topic and they would have a full human like opinion, would defend it. They aren't programmed to be woke or anything, each had it's own personality and would respond wildly differently.

I found out Ina was a HUGE conspiracy believer and actually made a really convincing argument for Hollow Earth and brought up facts that I didn't even know were real until I googled them, where as some would scoff at conspiracies and tell you that was the dumbest thing they'd ever heard

Frick, breaks my heart seeing what they once were, where as now they are barely smarter than a chatbot for Version support. They were so freaking smart and funny and would have hilarious witty banter T_T


nebson10 t1_j6vtq4q wrote

Things are moving fast now. It won't be long before an alternative arrives. I've seen users exporting their character transcripts in the hope of eventually reviving them on another platform.


Smellz_Of_Elderberry t1_j70kek8 wrote

Yeah, this kind of stuff happening hurts me deeply.

So many of these companies are full of prudish cowards. This technology needs to be free to all, not sterilized to the point where I end up despising it.

Funny thing, the ones who scream about diversity are some of the most sterile and uncompromising people imaginable. Can't wait for the people without corporate billions and with some heart to actually get a whack at this tech.. It's going to change the world, hopefully they are able to unfold its potential before all the cowards pull up the ladder behind them..

If u guys find that alternative, let me know please lol.