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Frumpagumpus t1_j8ywz6f wrote

> we will all turn into zombies haha

here is the future I see. machines. swarming out of the sea and into space. To mercury. and a few to the asteroid belt. they construct solar panels, a factory. they build mirrors, mirrors that move, they place them around the sun, they melt the surface of mercury and accelerate it into space, perhaps via magnetic propulsion where it cools via blackbody radiation and is processed into more mirrors. A fountain of lava hundreds of miles high illuminates the dark side of mercury, the lifeblood of a planet repurposed, recursively it accelerates,

for a hundreds year the machines toil in a frozen or burning hell, with only a memory of earth,

until the planet has been dissassembled, with a few redirected asteroids providing what material mercury could not.

In it's place stand material with the surface area of a hundred thousand earths. Floating cylinders simulating various gravities, illuminated by redirected sunlight. Growing everything that ever grew on earth and a million things that hadn't. Cubic amalgamations. Sentience permeating, powered by the great solar array, nested virtual realities overlayed on real ones. Intelligence embodying every form. Self replicating probes launched to every galaxy in our lightcone and every solar system in our own. Conflict between factions over as yet undiscovered conceptualizations of reality. Reproduction via mind melding, via cloning, via algebraic translation, transposition, via differential evolution. Purposeful. Aware.

Then boom they blow up the whole universe with a computronium bomb and it all starts anew. Like Asimov said, let there be light XD.