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Stegosaurus5 t1_j9yjpm0 wrote

That's not a "left wing bias" though... That's just the nature of "hate speech." Hate speech is about a history of oppression. These aren't filters to prevent mean things from being said, they're filters to stop oppressive things from being said.

None of things you listed: rich, republican, right-wing, or conservative, have any history of being oppressed. You can "hate" them, but you can't engage in "hate speech" at them.

Also, Protecting right wingers is comparable to protecting..... Left wingers, not disabled people, black people, asian people, and homoesexual people. You're kinda telling on yourself, friend.


LightVelox t1_j9yn4hu wrote

Well, for your last sentence, left wingers are still considerably higher up in the list than right wingers, even if leftists and rightists are somewhat close


Atlantic0ne t1_ja0akwv wrote

You can literally google this and see that white people commit fewer hate crimes than black people in the United States.

Your entire post and reply is bias.


zero0n3 t1_ja0v3di wrote

Absolutely false.


Atlantic0ne t1_ja0xz6k wrote


They’re about 13% of the US population statistically and account for ~21% of hate crime occurrences by offender. Conversely, 56.1% were white, and well, I’m sure you know the percentage of white people in the US.


zero0n3 t1_ja0z0sa wrote

Though I applaud you for having a source, the context and nuance of these reports is lacking without going through them.

Are they tagging a black man assaulting another black man as a hate crime?

How many hate crimes from white people go unreported ? White cop covers up for white suspect.


How many hate crime charges filed vs dropped and what were the race breakdowns.

All I’m trying to drive at is that this stat may not be the best to use to get a true representation.

Doesn’t pass the eye test. How many instances of a black cop shooting a white guy in the back running away vs a white coo shooting a black guy in the back?

Or how many black people are shooting up a group of white people because of their whiteness vs a white guy running through a crowd because they were at a BLM protest?


Atlantic0ne t1_ja13bn8 wrote

Lol. Hate crimes have an actual definition to them, it’s not just a guess. Google it if you want. This is the best days we have.

You can’t just say “eh I don’t believe data, so you’re probably wrong”.

I also recommend not going around saying so confidently “that’s not true!” When you clearly haven’t researched a topic u/zero0n3. Research first, always.

Anyway, have a good day. You can choose not to believe it if you want.


alfor t1_ja1s60y wrote

Search at the data yourself and show us what you find.

I was shocked at what I fond.

Not only that, it’s going to get worse. The narrative of oppression is creating a desire and act of "revenge".
What create a better society is the opposite, personal responsibility, accountability. The media is getting more views by destroying society.


Stegosaurus5 t1_ja1skmx wrote

Wtf are you talking about the "narrative" of oppression? Go look up "redlining" you racist-ass dumbfuck. Fuck outta here with this ignorant shit.