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redroverdestroys t1_j9q1npe wrote

Nope. You don't get to dictate to anyone what this sub is. The nerve of you people. This is not YOUR sub. Go run your own sub.

edit: /u/_gr4m_ you see me trying to censor people from the sub? Logic, my guy, do you understand it?


Cryptizard t1_j9qjin2 wrote

The community does and it seems like they mostly agree with me not you.


redroverdestroys t1_j9qpqg5 wrote

A lot of people agreed with Hitler too, is that the barometer for censorship now?

LMAO you people just want to censor because its something you personally dont like. Go to China


Cryptizard t1_j9qresh wrote

That’s literally the point of this entire fucking website. People make subs for a topic they like and moderate it to keep it on topic. If you want to see this and the other people here don’t, make a new sub. Regardless, it’s not wanted here.


redroverdestroys t1_j9qrmvz wrote

LMAO no, its YOU guys who need to make a new sub.

It's not being censored, you are crying about wanting it to be censored, but guess what?


You are the one that needs to go make a new sub and stop complaining and mucking up this sub with useless cry baby threads.

the actual audacity on you weirdos is NUTS to me. GO MAKE ANOTHER SUB IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!

All you are going to do is make people like me now make these threads more. Just ignore the threads if don't like them! Why is that so hard for you to do? Why would you rather cry about censoring them instead?

Stop thinking you have any power here, Donald Trump.

edit: this PYSCHO blocked me on here, but he is crying because he can't just ignore threads he doesn't like. Dude needs help like for real.


_gr4m_ t1_j9r89du wrote

But you think it is YOUR sub? Go away and run your own