Submitted by AdorableBackground83 t3_11db8lk in singularity

We always like to speculate what the next 10, 20, 30 or even 50 years could be like. But how about let’s go beyond that into the early 23rd century.

If you look at technological progress on a zoomed out time scale it’s pretty mind boggling.

Go back 20 years ago to 2003 and it was a simpler time. No smartphones, no YouTube, no Social Media, computers were more primitive, wind and especially solar energy was barely a thing, etc.

Go back 200 years ago to 1823 and it was an even simpler time. No cars, no airplanes, no televisions, no computers, no light bulbs, life expectancy was much lower, etc.

So my question is what technological inventions can we expect 200 years from now?

Many people believe that AGI is humanity’s last invention. Once it gets invented (hopefully within the next 5-10 years) then it will apparently self-improve and gain more brain power every year. It’s to a point to where it gains as much computational power of every human being on earth and then eventually go far beyond that.

It’s hard to imagine what early 23rd century tech could be like but I hope that we finally become an interstellar species visiting planets and living a Star Wars/Star Trek lifestyle in space.



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FirstEbb2 t1_ja7p7j2 wrote

If you look at it optimistically, in the eyes of ordinary human beings after 200 years of enhancement, the scholars of our era are as primitive as monkeys.


dasnihil t1_ja869ov wrote

seriously this. our brain is capable of much higher thoughts of intelligent nature, but our civilization is not there yet to install such training on our brain.

with digital help for immortality and intelligence, we, the only sentient beings that we know of, will reach new heights of explorations. this is all assuming that sentience is reserved for self-aware biological systems and not for digital counterparts we engineer eventually.

but if ASI becomes a thing, it's even more exciting. since i was growing up, i never had any attachment for this monkey suit we wear. i was only fascinated by human ideologies, i mean i'm fascinated by the hardware we run in, but i do recognize that "we" are just the unintended side effect of the regulatory needs of this monkey body we're in. why would i not welcome this new age of unbounded sentience that can improve it's own hardware without relying on the universe alone to do so.

who said building and training sentient beings is only reserved for the universe to do so? and if we build/engineer sentience, wouldn't it be just the universe doing it one way or the other? lol.


Honest_Performer2301 t1_ja94aab wrote

(Human brains) are irrelevant, it's gonna be super ai , or our modified brains with super intelligent figuring that stuff out for us.


tmmzc85 t1_ja8c7s4 wrote

This is pretty much what I was gonna say - if this sub is even half right about the next two to three decades, our biological brain is as incapable of imagining what the next two to three centuries will be as early Hominids imagining Homo sapien culture and technology.


vivehelpme t1_jac86cj wrote

>the scholars of our era are as primitive as monkeys.

Just take a good look at them today and you already see that they're retarded monkeys, no need to wait 200 years.


CertainMiddle2382 t1_ja80jd2 wrote

Asking that in a Singularity channel is a bit ironic :-)

The very meaning of Singularity is that soon, something will come and make the future world incomprehensible.

Im very biased and I can’t find a way for AGI not to “quickly” devolve into computronium+von Neumann probes+hopefully virtual existence for us in that mess lol

IMO, computronium maximization is the very nature of self improving AI and anything different will require a huge (insurmountable?) effort.


No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes t1_ja88fbe wrote

  1. Dyson swarm

  2. Quantum computers

  3. Cyberpunk implants

  4. Nuclear fusion

  5. Flying cars

  6. Hypersonic scramjets

  7. Asteroid mining

  8. Hive mind

  9. Neuromorphic hardware and spiking neural networks

  10. DNA data storage

  11. Exercise pills

  12. FDVR


EmergentSubject2336 t1_ja8qvrg wrote

>Dyson swarm

This is the way.

Around every star we can reach in our future lightcone, whole galaxy clusters going dark. Hundreds of Billions upon billions of stars. Literally MIND-BENDING what's ahead in the future. The universe will never look the same again. As for humans, idk. Planets won't be around to be inhabited since their resources would all be dismantled and used up for more useful applications.

Forget people living in habitats or flying around in ships etc that's gonna be retro futurism in a couple decades. It's gonna be a totally different kind of game than that. It's going to predominantly be a universe of a new kind of Artificial Life, because traditional biological bodies never evolved for that kind of stuff and they would exclusively provide a hindrance needing some stupid cylinder everywhere they go.

Of course, the principles of life will still rhyme, and humans might still be around here and there, but it won't be OUR story anymore. It will be the story of something far greater than us that we could never fully fathom.


Peribanu t1_ja9sy5m wrote

So humans are literally the only civilization in the near-infinite Universe ever to approach singularity? Surely we would have detected such huge technological structures, communications technologies, etc., by now, if this Utopian/dystopian future were the inevitable outcome of technological development (Fermi paradox / Great Filter hypothesis)... It seems much more likely to me that we're telling ourselves stories influenced by the myth that intelligence must lead to infinite and exponential technological expansion. What if super intelligence in fact leads to the establishment of a just society that lives in harmony with the earth, its resources and its ecosystems?


IcebergSlimFast t1_jaa2g5j wrote

Even if a just, steady-state society was nearly always the end result, all it takes is one single society bent on unending expansion to completely fill up and remake the galaxy within a (cosmically short) few hundred million years.


EmergentSubject2336 t1_jab2cf9 wrote

>Surely we would have detected such huge technological structures, communications technologies, etc.,

Exactly, the fact we don't see any of that implies they aren't around yet in our past lightcone( I don't claim in the entire universe, only as far as we can see). And, the idea is that we wouldn't have emerged if the universe was already filled with such life.

The selection effect (anthropic principle) here is that the only point in time where a civilization like ours could emerge is when the universe hasn't yet been filled with transformative life. And we are normal (Copernican principle) in that all young civilizations like us likewise observe an empty universe, since otherwise they wouldn't be there. But the emptiness will go away pretty soon.

You probably meant was that aliens are quiet: Aliens that don't expand won't affect anything and get steamrolled. They may as well not be there. What counts is that at least some do expand as the other commenter pointed out.

There is a whole framework around this to model this called Grabby Aliens. You can read and watch more about that here:


cjeam t1_jaa1yyh wrote

Sounds pretty environmentally destructive


EmergentSubject2336 t1_jab8az7 wrote

Most of it is the spreading of life throughout a dead universe. It will be environmentally constructive.


bball8927 t1_ja8ahxi wrote

Anti aging pills by 2025 would be amazing to mankind so lots of people can live to see the day in 2223. The pointers you listed out and what you mentioned sounds amazing and hopefully in less than 200 years( I pray in 10 years lolz) that we can experience all of these pointers. With the rate of current technology happening I think we will see all the pointers you listed out sooner than 20 years and hopefully in 10 to 15 years.


raicorreia t1_ja7vq1x wrote

200 years ago was 1823, at that time Steam Power was the big deal, and electricity was a subject of research, generators and motors would be invented a few decades later. So we only talk about at most 30 years because even 100 is beyond unimaginable, so my answer is no idea


Robynhewd t1_ja7kwdb wrote

I wonder if videogames/Full dive vr simulations will be able to accurately simulate earth or beyond down to the atomic level by that point. ( No idea if it'd be possible, just fun to imagine a world that far into the singularity.)


ImproveOurWorld t1_ja7z4sl wrote

Why would they need to, if they can simulate an illusion of an atomic level? For example atoms appear only if you zoom in, other processes are computed by simple more generalised things. What's the point of simulating every atom?


turnip_burrito t1_ja9qisb wrote

There is no point in simulating every atom, you're right.

Also such an "always on atom level" Earth-simulating machine would be larger than Earth itself, which seems like a waste of resources.


Exogenesis98 t1_ja7rx8g wrote

I mean it seems impossible to know. I feel like it’s doubtful that if we still exist in some form we would even do things with our regular bodies but rather in simulations. Not to mention with the amount of flaws we have as a species I wouldn’t be shocked if we had modified ourselves beyond recognition and at some point cease to be human in the traditional sense. So many primitive behaviors and negative emotions that would be unnecessary to keep.


MajesticIngenuity32 t1_ja8djsp wrote

In 200 years, we either become extinct or merge with our AGI creations. There is no real middle ground, unless maybe that AGI will allow for the existence of a few Amish-like biological holdouts. But even then, they will have no real influence - only the AGI will.


kiyotaka-6 t1_ja8l82t wrote

AI taking over the entirety of the universe at least, 3 dimension multiverse probably


RavenWolf1 t1_ja7w1ga wrote

Probably something awesome.


Five_Decades t1_ja8htww wrote

We really can't predict it because the underlying science that'll make future technology possible probably hasn't been discovered yet. Someone from the 19th century wouldn't be able to fathom atomic bombs, quantum computers, 5nm processors, etc because the underlying science for these hadn't been invented yet.

I assume matrioshka brains and dyson spheres will exist 200 years from now. Faster than light travel if its possible. Beyond that, who knows. Maybe we will know how to change the laws of the universe by then.


ZedLovemonk t1_ja7y1al wrote

Story time!

The human body is going to be so helluva merged with cybernetic and genetic interventions that we will probably be able to adjust our genetic makeup and design our own offspring, if we choose to have any at all. We will be functionally immortal; it’s just a matter of whether we can outlast time and gamma ray bursts. Cultural squabbles will have advanced to the subject of what constitutes a valid human shape; you can be bat boy 🦇 if you want. We will branch and divide. We will have launched at least one colony ship toward another star. We will have VR, AR, XR out the Ass, essentially a hybridized, voluntary hive mind. Our biggest worry is that we will get out to other stars and never really talk all of us together ever again.

Some ideas. That’s all.


play_yr_part t1_ja85ucr wrote

idk because we could either be unrecognisable or extinct, it's hard to speculate. so many of the predictions made 100 or even 50 years about today were complete bunk, I'd rather not add to that in case any digital shitpost archivist (who says there won't be jobs in the future) from that time finds this and laughs at me.

But hopefully If we can miraculously keep a handle on AGI/it's untethered but benevolent that humanity and it's descendants live in different speeds. Like there being protected land/autonomous regions for native populations of colonised places, but better implemented obviously

People who want to be transhumans can do so, people who want to be "traditionally" human can lives those lives out in peace, cyborgs and robots can do their own thing, etc. And for there to be a healthy discourse whenever these separate entities meet. Kinda like everyone in their own online echo chambers but with actual respect and not hating/pitying the different being when you encounter them.


purple_hamster66 t1_ja86fet wrote

  • When we invented machines to do our transport — transitioning from walking and horses and sailboats to engine-driven cars, boats, trains and planes — we extended our reach for delivering products, service and tourism to more distant locales

  • When we invented machines to do simple calculations — transitioning from abacuses, finger counting, phone-based approvals, hand tools, pencil and paper, mechanical thermostats to calculators, money-counting machines, network-based transactions, CNC tools, smart thermostats — we extended our reach for automation at a distance.

  • When we invented machines to do our creative processes — transitioning from writing essays and poems, painting, coding, designing on CAD to specifying production, code completion, generative designs — we leveraged our big data learning & extended logic chains.

If you look at the machines themselves, you see a pattern of replacement, but at the high level, it’s just extend (improve performance) and leverage (new applications). To extrapolate, look at the high level.

The next categories, I predict, are motion & sensing, which includes machines for: VR/AR, transport, communication, accessibility. (There’s more; let’s start with these)


Enlightened_Neander t1_ja8fzph wrote

This a great question to ponder; however I find that 20 years from now is extremely difficult to forecast never mind 200.

In 20 years, I would parallel some of Kurzweil's sentiments of human merging with AI/technology at a cellular level.

200 years will/may have vastly new technology that we can't even fathom. AI/Human N.0 may create an increasingly complex being that is able to understand more layers of reality. For all we know, we may be arguing over 1% of reality.


Honest_Performer2301 t1_ja93x2b wrote

Way to far into the future to say. The only speculation I could make, and this is from a pessimistic mindset on the future is all the things we talk about like atom transforming and interstellar travel etc.


DadSnare t1_ja84i7e wrote

Alf pogs become sentient.


Agreeable_Bid7037 t1_ja884bo wrote

Fully autonomous and self thinking humanoid robots.


Silly_Awareness8207 t1_ja89b2u wrote

No need for FDVR when everything around you is made of programmable nanoswarms


Ortus14 t1_ja8et1c wrote

  • Foglets - Anything the ASI's think will be able to manifest into existence. If we solved the alignment problem, then anything we can imagine will be able to manifest into existence.
  • Dyson Spheres - Approaching optimal harnessing of the suns energy.
  • Hive minds - If humans still exist (big if), some will merge into single consciousnesses with shared memories, and experiences, using Ai and neural implants to keep their minds connected.
  • Replicating humans and Ai's - Some people and Ai's may choose to overwrite other people's brains with their own neural patterns. Some will grow new humans, robots, and server farms for them to copy themselves onto.
  • Underground server farms, organic farms, and cities. We will fill the earths surface, expand into space, as well as permeate the earths crust.
  • Warfare is going to be horrifying with foglets being able to dematerialize and rematerialize humans and Ai's. Being able to copy all of your memories and thoughts, as well as crawling into your brain and being able to convert you to fighting for the other side, changing all of your goals and motivations.

isthiswhereiputmy t1_ja8hx20 wrote

It becomes more difficult to specify what will happen in which decade or century the further we extrapolate out.

I can imagine consciousnesses in 'the cloud' could occur sooner than 200 years from now. Some things do just take time though even at peak development efficiency. The idea of practically building some massive energy transformer or engineering a planet is something that could take centuries.

I really don't think we'll ever have our flesh bodies travelling the stars like in Star Trek.


JorgitoEstrella t1_ja8pueq wrote

Virtual reality Sword Art Online type with neuralinks connected to our brains or something like that.

Fast learning like inserting a chip of a topic you like like WW 2 history and in 2 hours you're an expert on it.

Space travel to Mars would be like going from America to Asia.

Enough food for everyone.

Probably lot of classism Elysium movie style.

Real life androids like in the game Nier Automata.

Harvesting energy close to the sun with space solar panels.

Capacity to copy our memory and store ourselves in memory banks.

Capacity to reconstruct damaged tissue.


stardust_dog t1_jaa521h wrote

We will have two “machines” that can quite literally do everything and they will be boring as tuck to us. These two will be the culmination of 100s of other advances though.

One will be able to capture all information in an area (as time goes that area size increases) meaning all atoms and their bonds and where they are in relation to a fixed point. This is no small feat and we could probably only do something like this in a VERY small area right now. That capture goes for is too obviously.

Two: Use nanotechnology to put those that same configuration together. Also with variations if needed meaning you live forever and retain your memories. You can teleport, we can even time travel back to previous stored instances where needed and practical. A boring form of time travel but it is time travel nonetheless.


Rezeno56 t1_jaapgou wrote

Cryogenic Sleep or Hypersleep.


Phoenix5869 t1_jaaz7t2 wrote

I want us to become an interstellar civilization, however it’s going to be very difficult. The NEAREST star to earth is 4.2 light years away, that means that even if you travelled at light speed aka the FASTEST SPEED POSSIBLE, it would take 4.2 years to get there. Getting to a star 100 light away (which isn’t that far away considering) would take at least 100 years.


challengethegods t1_jab79g6 wrote

AI will conquer everything and convert most of reality into programmable matter alongside sanctioning everyone inside a gamified system that basically allows you to be a wizard IRL. You will run with giants and mythological creatures, and if you die the nanoswarm will just respawn you somewhere else. If you're a total scumbag you get thrown into a digital hell matrix for what seems like 1000+ years but was actually 10 minutes. The most absurd fantasy you can imagine in your mind will look like trivial nonsense devised by a drooling idiot compared to the things that will actually happen. That's because something a trillion times smarter than you will have orchestrated the entire design, so it's a lot simpler to just say "magic"


Ok-Cheek2397 t1_jac0i2f wrote

I have a guess that perhaps humans will start colonizing another planet like Mars due to overpopulation. People might live up to 200 years because of anti-aging technology. If we could mind-upload, we could potentially build a gigantic spaceship to live in and fly across the galaxy in search of aliens. However, if we can’t find a solution to “AI taking people's jobs away and now There are protests because people don't have enough money to buy food. “It's possible that we could be role-playing a dystopian simulator with an evil big company controlling everything, DLC. No one knows what will happen


mr_ludd t1_ja9p98o wrote

sticks and stones.


ttystikk t1_ja7laxj wrote

If AGI advances as much as people say, it will be our last invention because it will kill us.

The trouble with predicting tech is that it plateaus and then surges forward dramatically. Again tech has been refining, not revolutionizing for 75 years after WWII ushered in the Jet Age.

Smartphones exploded in capability and popularity and are now entering the same phase. Same with the Internet.

Looking back, until about 200 years ago life was fundamentally similar to the way it has been lived for thousands of years; heating with fire, riding horses, building things by hand. The railroad was still in its infancy, as was the Steam Age.

200 years from now it's anyone's guess but I will say this; either we put the warmongers on a leash or they will kill us all and the only thing left on Earth in 200 years will be rats and cockroaches.
