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chrisjinna t1_j8qxmzg wrote

Bing/chat GPT, are predictive replies. Based on our inputs it narrows down a response. There is no actual thought going on behind the scenes. There is no personality. I worked with chat GPT on some technical problems and I would say it was right about 40% of the time. Eventually I came to the conclusion that it doesn't understand the topics we discussed. It's the digital version of a ouija board. At the end of the day we are the ones driving the responses, we just don't realize it. Please feel free to correct me.


Darustc4 t1_j8r62ho wrote

To me, this reads like: "The only real kind of understanding is human-like understanding, token prediction doesn't count because we believe humans don't do that."

If it is effective, why do you care about how the brain of an AI operates? Will you still be claiming they are not understanding in the real way when they start causing real harm to society and surpassing us in every field?


chrisjinna t1_j8rysbz wrote

We also do speech prediction. Marry had a little... Most English speakers will go ahead and predict lamb comes next. But we initiate. Bing isn't initiating. It doesn't have a goal or goals or understanding. It doesn't think or comprehend. It is a calculator. Red plus blue equals purple.

It is a very useful tool to get you started on something. It's amazing to use for programming. But that is because we are amazing at programming and it has so many examples to draw from. But once you get off that track of the known, it can't go anywhere because it's not actually thinking or comprehending. There is no will or need.

But no I'm not afraid of AI surpassing us in every field. Machines have been surpassing us in strength and certain functions since the first water mill. We have planes that are unflyble without fly-by-wire. We will have medicines and technologies that would be impossible without AI. But unless we are telling it the needed outcome, there won't be anything.


Significant_Pea_9726 t1_j8s5odt wrote

It really really doesn’t matter if there is “no actual thought” behind the scenes. If it can sufficiently imitate human behavior, then we may have a significant problem if/when a GPT model gains access and sufficient competency for domains beyond chat and the other currently limited use cases.


chrisjinna t1_j8siom6 wrote

My problems with these arguments is so far I haven't seen initiative in an AI. If it isn't prompted it's not going to do anything. The nefarious use of AI will come from humans and not AI. My fear is if people start to fool themselves into thinking they are more than they are. People confusing information with wisdom and judgement. They are very convincing. I have found myself wanting to thank the AI and also share discoveries and teach it.

But I agree with you there are concerns. But for me they are not from the AI but how it will be used in the real world. No doubt there will be regulation and safety hurdles. There will probably be needless deaths once they get physical in the world but I do believe significantly more lives will be saved. It's like seat belts. There are crashes where people were thrown from cars and survived with barely a scratch where they would have died wearing a seat belt. But overall seat belts reduced deaths in automobiles dramatically. Ai's entrance into society will probably have a similar effect.


gthing t1_j8s6qf5 wrote

I am writing increasingly complex apps with it and it’s very accurate. Not 100% but like 99%.


chrisjinna t1_j8sfgxj wrote

My guess is you are asking for lines of code that has been written 1000's of time before and snippets are available online. Try to make a plug and play product that doesn't exist or is rare and not to well documented. It can give a good summery of what is needed but when you start to get down to the nitty gritty you will start to hit on its limits rather quickly.

That said * I'm attempting things I wouldn't have dreamed about before these chat bots. It is incredible. I can get through in a few hours what would have taken me a week or more.


gthing t1_j8xomqa wrote

I feed it the api documentation for multiple non public apis documentation and ask it to make a script that combines them and it nails it. It’s not that it can write code to do a thing, it’s that it can write code that combines them and puts them together in a new way.

Last night I used gpt3 to write an app that lets me describe apps I want and then it writes them complete with gui and lets me run them. Simple utility type apps, but still. It works.