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chrisjinna t1_j8rysbz wrote

We also do speech prediction. Marry had a little... Most English speakers will go ahead and predict lamb comes next. But we initiate. Bing isn't initiating. It doesn't have a goal or goals or understanding. It doesn't think or comprehend. It is a calculator. Red plus blue equals purple.

It is a very useful tool to get you started on something. It's amazing to use for programming. But that is because we are amazing at programming and it has so many examples to draw from. But once you get off that track of the known, it can't go anywhere because it's not actually thinking or comprehending. There is no will or need.

But no I'm not afraid of AI surpassing us in every field. Machines have been surpassing us in strength and certain functions since the first water mill. We have planes that are unflyble without fly-by-wire. We will have medicines and technologies that would be impossible without AI. But unless we are telling it the needed outcome, there won't be anything.