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chrisjinna t1_j8siom6 wrote

My problems with these arguments is so far I haven't seen initiative in an AI. If it isn't prompted it's not going to do anything. The nefarious use of AI will come from humans and not AI. My fear is if people start to fool themselves into thinking they are more than they are. People confusing information with wisdom and judgement. They are very convincing. I have found myself wanting to thank the AI and also share discoveries and teach it.

But I agree with you there are concerns. But for me they are not from the AI but how it will be used in the real world. No doubt there will be regulation and safety hurdles. There will probably be needless deaths once they get physical in the world but I do believe significantly more lives will be saved. It's like seat belts. There are crashes where people were thrown from cars and survived with barely a scratch where they would have died wearing a seat belt. But overall seat belts reduced deaths in automobiles dramatically. Ai's entrance into society will probably have a similar effect.