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gay_manta_ray t1_j8socbw wrote

i understand what you're saying provided they aren't sentient, but if they are thought to be sentient, the problems with that can't be ignored. regardless, i don't think we should normalize being abusive towards an intelligence simply because it isn't technically sentient. that will likely lead to the same treatment of an intelligence/agi that is considered sentient, because there will probably be very little distinction between the two at first, leading people to abuse it the same as a "dumb" ai.


ninjasaid13 t1_j8tp86m wrote

Is a survival instinct or anger a sign of sentience? What is even sentience?


sommersj t1_j8tr5f7 wrote

>What is even sentience?

No one knows is the only correct answer yet we're sooo sure it (nor animals we torture) isn't Sentient. Profiteers gotta profit, y'know


Graveheartart t1_j8ue8ar wrote

Can you come over and back me up on this on the sub? God I get blasted for having this opinion but I agree. We should be treating them with respect regardless of if they are actually sentient or not