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Fabulous_Exam_1787 t1_j8wogn5 wrote

Oh oh we found the guy who knows it all already, let’s give him a nobel prize and OpenAI should hire you lol


sommersj t1_j8wop1l wrote

Again, you believe a dog might be sentient. I can't really trust your grasp of reality after that. Sorry.


Fabulous_Exam_1787 t1_j8wp03f wrote

might you fricking troll. lol.

It’s one thing if you can give a detailed argument why not, like a good definition of sentience. Which you don’t have.

If you don’t even know what it is, then your argument is emotional and nothing more.


sommersj t1_j8wrpub wrote

>Which you don’t have

Which no one has. Still doesn't stop people like you claiming x or y definitely or probably isn't Sentient.

I don't know what it means to be sentient but by observing animals we can see they do have the same internal resolution. They do feel emotions, they can be manipulative, etc. We even know now that insects such as bees actually have dreams.

I don't know if you've had (or have) a pet but if you do and you e interacted with them on that level and still say what you're interacting with night be sentient then, yikes but it isn't only you. The world needs to believe animals are not sentient due to factory farming and fishing. Profit's to be made


Fabulous_Exam_1787 t1_j8wyyez wrote

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but you’re saying all this with NO definition of what sentience is. You don’t realize how ridiculous it is to think you know better than anyone on something which there isn’t a good definition of and you admittedly don’t have any better definition either? lol You can’t see how futile that is? lol


sommersj t1_j95mxqx wrote

How is that futile. My position is we don't know what sentience is so it makes 0 sense to say X is sentient while Y isn't

Your position seems to be, we don't know what sentience is but X is sentient while Y isn't. Yet it's my position that's futile huh


Fabulous_Exam_1787 t1_j95p1w5 wrote

You’re an idiot, I already said I didn’t say anything was sentient or not I said anything is possible. How old are you, 12? Nothing more to argue here if you continue to be that obtuse I’ll just block you.