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crua9 OP t1_j7ga0dh wrote

>Level 1: 999. This is a glorified vacuum cleaner. And if I don't trust it do take care of a pet I don't trust it for my good either. Honestly I expect the first batch to be better than this, closer to lvl 2, but without sex of course.

The reason why I think it won't be able to take care of kids and what not is the unknown. Cooking, cleaning, and things like this is highly predictable. Where kids and pets are unknown. Most kids and pets might be fine. But I imagine it would be easy to trick these robots.


See like if you take a dog out and it starts running after an animal. Can a robot handle that?

If a kid starts acting up, can the robot handle that?

If the kid has special needs, can the robot handle that? (note many human babysitters can't)


Same with driving. It's the unknows that is the problem. Elon Musk even talked about this. Where a robot walking around more than less needs the same tech as a self driving car. But because the speeds are greatly reduced, this means it has a lot more time to change and adapt to the unknown.

Meaning the computing power won't be enough in level 1 robots to adapt to any unknown situation.


And as lvl 3, I figure there will be something afterwards. But that is so far out so I am guessing.