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Quealdlor t1_jacm6y8 wrote

I recently read an article about how the XIX century was more egalitarian than it is usually thought and more egalitarian than the previous centuries.


FomalhautCalliclea OP t1_jaeolb6 wrote

It depends when and where:

On the one hand, some ancient societies were quite egalitarian compared to the XIXth century (Harappa civilization, Tlaxcallan pre-colombian civilization, Sassanid empire under Khosrow I, etc).

On the other hand, some were much less egalitarian, in a dystopic manner almost (medieval serfdom societies).

The XIXth century was a progress on the precedent century, with many countries abolishing serfdom (1789 for the earliers like France, 1861 for the laters like Russia) and slavery (1807-1831 in the UK, 1848 in France, 1865 in the US).

There is also a continuity between centuries. There is even a saying: "the XVIIIth century asked the questions (with enlightenment), the XIXth century brought the answers".