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xott t1_j9wz7hz wrote

It's interesting that openai has somehow become the deciders of what is hateful or even moral.

"a small handful of unelected anons, mostly with engineering backgrounds and probably in their 20s and probably adherents to a system of moral reason that is quite controversial"


BassoeG t1_ja0bdv4 wrote

>It's interesting that openai has somehow become the deciders of what is hateful or even moral.

It's even more 'interesting' how their decisions have no correlation to actual hate and morality but just match the status quo. In what possible universe is 'we can win and should therefore fight WW3' not the most hateful and amoral statement possible? It isn't censored and has a status quo propagandist megaphone.


zero0n3 t1_ja18o69 wrote

Yeah. Because that’s what they are doing here. Their goal is to enact their moral and social rules on everyone.

Vs ya know making their tool reasonably safe to use.

Not saying there isn’t a problem, just that your and this subs mindset has been less “how we fix this” and more “oh my god see openAI hates white people and men”