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CustardNearby t1_j9ib3xo wrote

Stuff like this is the true start of the AI revolution. Once companies start partnering with OpenAi for their own private, highly specialized ChatGPT, it’s over. Layoffs are gonna be massive.


ExtraFun4319 t1_j9ijmok wrote

As someone who actually works in a related field and is pretty familiar with the actual field of AI itself, and have met and know people with all sorts of work backgrounds which has given me insight about many work fields, I am extremely doubtful that ChatGPT (in any capacity) will result in major layoffs.

The technology just isn't there, and I don't see it getting there (to the level where it'd cause the economic damage you're describing) anytime soon.


Electronic_Source_70 t1_j9iw65f wrote

The problem with this is that unless they work in Google or Amazon, it's hard to know because all the advance and powerful models' info haven't been sent to the public or info is known. Also do they work in computer vision, ML or LLMs or other deep learning fields and are the AI engineers actual ones with credibility or are they SE that watch George hotz or something because I don't believe you unless your related field is neuroscience if that's the case I will shut up and hid in the corner.


turnip_burrito t1_j9j3k3y wrote

Neuroscience has basically no relationship to machine learning at this point (Neural networks are just """inspired"""^(TM) by neuroscience) so I wouldn't trust anyone but an AI specialist.


[deleted] t1_j9j9o40 wrote

Computational neuroscientists, they use a lot of the same techniques but for different purposes.

Plus a lot of the leading research centres for computational neuroscience tend to also be involved in AI and machine learning


turnip_burrito t1_j9ja3q5 wrote

What problems are the computational neuroscientists trying to solve? Modeling parts of brains using artificial neural networks (the ML kind)?


nexapp t1_j9m1k0m wrote

Oh it will result in massive layoffs, no doubt about it. The whole point is optimize and reduce redundancy / costly work flows. If UBI doesn't catch-up, this will most certainly lead to major political upheavals world-wide.


visarga t1_ja8dm4q wrote

That's a naive view that doesn't take into consideration the second order effects. In 5-10 years companies will have to compete with more advanced products that use AI, a lot of that new found AI productivity will be spent to level off with the competition instead of raking in absurd profits. And lowering prices will help consumers.


NoidoDev t1_j9iuhtl wrote

Could it reduce the numbers of required people and create more competition by elevating some people using such tools. Could this be done remote, maybe even without too much knowledge what the company does, so it could be outsourced? Could a combination of input into some AI based system from the top and the bottom, with some oversight of a much smaller number of middle mangers reduce how many of them are needed?


iamozymandiusking t1_j9kg9hp wrote

Of course it’s a huge unknown right now how all this will settle out, but it’s also worth remembering that computers were supposedly going to reduce the need for people, but it just upped expectations of productivity. Something similar will happen here. Certainly some jobs will be less valuable, and likely some skills will be more valuable, such as the ability to effectively direct AI tools to a desired result. And then some entirely new roles will come into existence.


Artanthos t1_j9labqn wrote

Depending on what you did, there was a massive wave of right sizing in the 80s, just as computers were becoming more popular.

Things like secretarial pools went away.

Yes, programmers of various flavors came into high demand, eventually creating more jobs than were lost,

The difference is, this time you won’t need more people to program the computers, you will need fewer. There will be no new high positions created for those displaced.


feedmaster t1_j9m117q wrote

Of course chatGPT won't, but GPT4, 5, 6 definitely will. GPT4 is coming this year already and could be an order of magnitude better than chatGPT. This change will come quickly.


IndependenceRound453 t1_j9iqtbg wrote

>Layoffs are gonna be massive.

No, they aren't because what you're describing isn't gonna happen (at the very least not with current/near term AI). Be realistic.

The hopium on this sub is on another level. You guys upvote comments just because they sound pretty to you, even if they aren't the slightest bit rational.


Savings-Juice-9517 t1_j9ix6v8 wrote

Exactly. I’m a full time programmer and AI, at least in its current form, definitely improves my productivity but is no where near the level where it will replace programmers or software engineers. Less than 5% of a programmers time is spent physically writing code but this subreddit seems to think that’s what programmers do all day


GPT-5entient t1_j9lbsfr wrote

>Less than 5% of a programmers time is spent physically writing code

Not sure where you work at, but I am a principal SDE with 16 YoE and even though I spend most of my time in meetings, helping more junior team members or just on communication in general I try to shoot for 40-50% of my time actually writing code and Copilot does help with that (I'd say maybe 20% productivity increase). Even our dev manager probably spends more than 5% of his time writing actual code (but most dev managers don't of course).


madali0 t1_j9j7siw wrote

As a non-programmer, i tried asking it to change one small addition to an indicator in tradingview and i had to keep giving it the errors i got and did additional searches on google until i figured it out. At the end, all i changed was just two lines of code and it took me a long time.

Basically, what i mean is that the person giving the prompts already needs to have some programming knowledge to get help.

Even if it becomes more advanced, i bet you'd need workers to know how to give it prompts (or have unique ai prompters as a new position) to get the best outcome.

I think it's true for ai art. I see great ai art online but when i do it, it usually comes out far worse. It's when i realize that if they are going to replace some lower level cheap artist, they'd still need some ai art prompter to know what keywords to give it and what filter to use to get the best art, and you'd also probably need some other person to actually sort through the outputs to see which best fits their needs.

For those basic stock pictures, it doesn't really change much. Imagine if an outlets is rushing out articles, and they write one on how drinking water is healthy and they need an imagine of a woman drinking water. Seems cheaper and easier to just choose one with their stock images subscription.

And if they need something really unique and special for a main product, they can't just let some middle manager type a prompt and use that. They have to call the prompt guy (or maybe more realistically, they'll outsource it to an ai generator company who has humans that receive what the company needs, they then do the promoting, choosing the best, and editing it to provide them the image that fits their needs.

Basically, for every job they do away with, they'll just create a new human need.


[deleted] t1_j9j1pqt wrote



Savings-Juice-9517 t1_j9j43yd wrote

You completely bypassed the points being made and instead were trying to make a pedantic semantics argument about two terms that are two halves of the same coin


[deleted] t1_j9j4e9w wrote



madali0 t1_j9j7z6a wrote

I'm sorry, but as an AI Language Model, I do not have feelings to be considered "okay". Is there any other question I can help you with?


Glad_Laugh_5656 t1_j9igems wrote

If you believe that, then you either aren't very familiar with labor or aren't very familiar with ChatGPT (or both).

I agree with funprize (another redditor who also replied to your comment) that while a future version could someday be a threat to a lot of workers, this one (even if it's finetuned) probably won't.


bigseamonsters t1_j9l9dxb wrote

>Could it reduce the numbers of required people and create more competition by elevating some people using such tools. Could this be done remote, maybe even without too much k

yeah there's a solid 7-8 years left, nobody should be worried! /s


xott t1_j9ihhe1 wrote

Good bye middle management roles


TheOneTrueEris t1_j9iscgr wrote

Actually those people management roles are probably one of the safer ones.
