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iamozymandiusking t1_j9kg9hp wrote

Of course it’s a huge unknown right now how all this will settle out, but it’s also worth remembering that computers were supposedly going to reduce the need for people, but it just upped expectations of productivity. Something similar will happen here. Certainly some jobs will be less valuable, and likely some skills will be more valuable, such as the ability to effectively direct AI tools to a desired result. And then some entirely new roles will come into existence.


Artanthos t1_j9labqn wrote

Depending on what you did, there was a massive wave of right sizing in the 80s, just as computers were becoming more popular.

Things like secretarial pools went away.

Yes, programmers of various flavors came into high demand, eventually creating more jobs than were lost,

The difference is, this time you won’t need more people to program the computers, you will need fewer. There will be no new high positions created for those displaced.