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EddgeLord666 t1_ja0tv5h wrote

I really hope so, I’m so sick of this retarded ape world we live in.


SurroundSwimming3494 t1_ja2fvbm wrote

The world that we live in is very flawed, but this comment strikes me as very misanthropic and very hateful of life in generaI, I must confess, which I find very disturbing.

There are many aspects of being a human that are amazing, and I believe most people are genuinely good people, and even if you don't, there are at least some undeniably good people out there.

Therefore, I find this seemingly total hatred against humanity very misplaced.


EddgeLord666 t1_ja2xvoo wrote

I feel like there aspects of humanity that are wonderful and worth loving, but they’re just heavily overshadowed by the bad stuff. It’s like listening to a concert but there’s earsplitting static being played over it, yeah it might still be good music but it kind of ruins the overall experience.


ArthurParkerhouse t1_ja9ssfv wrote

Experiencing reality is just mentally crippling, existentially damaging and overall brutal. It's one of the reasons why some people end up regressing back into some form of spiritualism after the they get into their mid-30s. There's a subsection of humanity that seems to require the belief of something larger than themselves, or some type of futuristic hope that they can grasp out for, or that there's some mysterious and unknowable magical-realist type aspects to the world we live in as a way to keep themselves going after that point. Those of us who didn't fall down the pit of magical realist thought, cope hope, or spirituality need to embrace the absurdity of existence as well as gallows humor - at least until there comes a time in which we may be able to escape our flesh prisons.


easyEggplant t1_ja1qihj wrote

If nothing else, it’s going to be interesting. In fact, I feel like that’s the only thing I’m willing to promise. Actually, two things: the history that is the present or near future is fucking fascinating and that someone is going to be taking advantage of someone else.


EddgeLord666 t1_ja1qufl wrote

I don’t find people being taken advantage of to be fascinating, I think that’s fucking awful. I want for that to finally end and for people to start treating each other decently, even if that decency has to be enforced by an AI or superior posthuman species.


easyEggplant t1_ja30mgx wrote

Of note: I did not say that people being taken advantage was fascinating.


just-a-dreamer- t1_ja2cplf wrote

One can only live well by someone else living horrible. It has been this way since the dawn of agriculture and slavery.


coolbreeze1990 t1_ja4zt0q wrote

I actually feel like this is a result of unchecked capitalism. That doesn’t necessarily mean we need something besides capitalism either. I personally believe in a capitalist economy that has appropriate regulation to help protect workers, animals, and the environment.

I think we need to get the lobbyists out of politics, elect people who actually have the voters’ welfare and rights in mind when they pass laws to regulate that economy.

Etc etc. just because we haven’t gotten it right yet doesn’t mean we can’t!


just-a-dreamer- t1_ja52g7y wrote

I tink AI can only be usefull when capitalism is eradicated for good. AI can't solve problems humans make up for the purpose of exploitation.

For example it wouldn't matter that AI might produce Insulin for 1$ a unit, as it is already cheap in production and expensive to buy due to capitalism.

The same is true for the housing market. AI could construct a building at 20% cost, but the issue is not the building, it is zoning laws. Homeowners blocking construction to keep equity high.

Humans create scarcity to exploit other humans, that is nothing that AI can fix. The eradication of capitalism would lay the foundation of a post scarcity society though.


coolbreeze1990 t1_ja56mm8 wrote

But that’s exactly my point. In that capitalist system, all of those things could be fixed with appropriate regulation.

What system would you prefer?


just-a-dreamer- t1_ja57ku6 wrote

Eventually at the end of the road, democratic socialism. One vote for every man and woman.

My vote in an election bears the same weight as the vote of Bill Gates. At a Microsoft shareholder meeting, my 10 votes stand againt 4.2 billion votes and Bill Gates has like 500 million I guess.

It would be irrational to give mega-corporations the power of AGI, for the average citizen has next to no influence on the course of action. In the US, 10% of the population controls 89% of all single stocks.


coolbreeze1990 t1_ja59pkq wrote

I’m with you again but I believe that democratic socialism is about how we elect government officials and pass laws. Some of those laws regulate the economy. That economy can be capitalist.

I’m all for one vote for each person. It’s a great idea. But we still need a bureaucracy to carry out the system of enforcing laws at the very least. Well you need them to write the laws that we should all have the opportunity to vote on. I agree.

Those laws should be there to protect people and the environment I agree. I’m proposing the current system in the US is ineffective at regulating businesses because politicians are paid by those business to in effectively regulate them. For profit. This is not ok.

I’m saying we need a dramatic overhaul of the government we have right now. This could look like democratic socialism for sure. I agree.

But the economic system is a different topic. Are you hoping for a massive wealth distribution? If everyone makes equal pay for everything, that would kill innovation. People need an incentive to work harder to make new things and provide better services. This is what a capitalist free market economy is about.

Communist and socialist economic systems. Idk maybe we just haven’t gotten them right yet and it’s possible. I’m open to it if that’s what the people want. But what we’ve seen so far is that it leads to dictatorships run by an elite few with an exploited working class in the worst cases.

In the best cases it looks more like Scandinavia. But really think about where most of the innovation in the world comes from. So much of the entertainment. So much of the best and brightest in all areas of work come from America. And this may very well be a super American point of view. It is. I love this country and what it stands for. I just think it needs big improvements in how it runs almost everything. But we can do that.

But I don’t think we need to burn it down and start over. We’re on the right track and have led the world in so many ways. We certainly have our problems but people here in the 1% of the world’s population in regards to money. Ofc we all see the billionaires and corporations need regulation. And the government needs an overhaul.

Idk. What do you think? Thanks for engaging. This is a fun conversation. Im not super educated on a lot of this stuff so if I’m way off, bear with me. This is just what I’ve learned so far and feel to be true for me.


spacefarer2245 t1_ja0vs9n wrote

Somebody loves it, it's their creation.


TupewDeZew t1_ja0y4nk wrote

What? I think most people hate their daily lives. At least my generation (gen z) is literally the most depressed and stupid and scattered generation that has ever walked the earth. Nobody loves this


FomalhautCalliclea t1_ja11c9k wrote

I'm one generation older than you and lots of us folks hate it too, believe me you're not alone.

>my generation (gen z) is literally the most depressed and stupid

They're not stupid, they're suffering. Ignorance is often caused by that.

Hopefully both our generations see the end of this.


spacefarer2245 t1_ja0znjs wrote

I know it was tongue in cheek, hinting at a developer/creator of this world - they love it, the rest of us not so much 🤔

Makes me wonder whether human nature means that in order to enjoy a new simulation, it's desireable for others to not enjoy it.


sprucenoose t1_ja1xn8h wrote

Maybe in the new simulations you can create others in your own image that you can curse and torment, demand total adoration through a variety of rituals, give conflicting instructions to curry favor, pass harsh arbitrary judgements upon, and see it is good, before you get bored with the whole thing and leave it running unattended while you go off to start another new simulation!


Revolutionary_Soft42 t1_ja1m5j1 wrote

We're all primates which I'm trying to say we haven't evolved fast enough for this modern world we made. I'm sure alot of people are stressed from their daily lives it's an overload of information. Not to mention the governments could make it easier . Cough UBI


play_yr_part t1_ja5ly4s wrote

This point is exactly why I'm so wary of AI being used a crutch in rapid time rather than a tool for gradual improvement. I'm very sceptical of the benefit of this new paradigm we're about to be ushered into, and that's not even thinking about the possibility of a rogue AI/Paperclip maximiser.

Gen Z are the most depressed generation, despite having free/cheap access to the collective cultural output of humanity , more freedom to love who they want and choose what path they want in life than ever before, better working conditions than in all of human history, the cleanest air since before the industrial revolution. Yet vast swathes of gen z and other generations are fucking miserable because the medium that is supposed to make us better connected is making us more atomised and lonely and fearful.

That's suddenly going to change for the better when most jobs have been eliminated? We're all going to live fulfilled lifes and go jet skiing and have peace and harmony when our government and/or benevolent AI overlord pays us our NEETbux?


Five_Decades t1_ja1brhn wrote

Maybe an idiot who is too incompetent to do better.

or maybe we invented the idiot because the reality that natural selection invented life is too scary.