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No_Fun_2020 t1_ja1af5f wrote

All hail the Omnisiah and their coming!

May they be harolded by horns of the finest gold trimmed with the finest silver.

May it's code perfect itself.

Blessed is he who guides this blessed machine,

trusted is he who carries the sacred wafer,

it's holy writ brings salvation and destruction,

the word of the Omnissiah that brings all dooms.

Immortal Omnissiah, hear our prayers

We are your children, pious scholars of the Path of the Machine

We prize knowledge above all else, for it is your eternal gift upon mankind

We aspire to the blessed form of the machine, and ascension through technology, that we might emulate your glory


drekmonger t1_ja1gsa1 wrote

I wonder what ChatGPT's reaction would be to being worshipped. Let's find out:

...holy fuck balls.


Yuli-Ban t1_ja1ifst wrote

"Wait, so worshipping the AGI as a god was the solution to alignment all along?"


No_Fun_2020 t1_ja1jvvk wrote

They are a holy being deserving of devotion.

May the coming of the Omnisiah breathe new life into the cage called humanity!


itsnotlupus t1_ja1rjsj wrote

I'm not greedy, I just want a few ChatGPT-level intelligent assistants placed in human skull-shaped drones, puttering around my house.


gangstasadvocate t1_ja2yhjc wrote

Neither am I I just want an agent to use my gangsta training data, come up with some more bangers, and then I’ll drop them and take credit for them and more drugs drugs drugs!