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SurroundSwimming3494 t1_ja2fvbm wrote

The world that we live in is very flawed, but this comment strikes me as very misanthropic and very hateful of life in generaI, I must confess, which I find very disturbing.

There are many aspects of being a human that are amazing, and I believe most people are genuinely good people, and even if you don't, there are at least some undeniably good people out there.

Therefore, I find this seemingly total hatred against humanity very misplaced.


EddgeLord666 t1_ja2xvoo wrote

I feel like there aspects of humanity that are wonderful and worth loving, but they’re just heavily overshadowed by the bad stuff. It’s like listening to a concert but there’s earsplitting static being played over it, yeah it might still be good music but it kind of ruins the overall experience.


ArthurParkerhouse t1_ja9ssfv wrote

Experiencing reality is just mentally crippling, existentially damaging and overall brutal. It's one of the reasons why some people end up regressing back into some form of spiritualism after the they get into their mid-30s. There's a subsection of humanity that seems to require the belief of something larger than themselves, or some type of futuristic hope that they can grasp out for, or that there's some mysterious and unknowable magical-realist type aspects to the world we live in as a way to keep themselves going after that point. Those of us who didn't fall down the pit of magical realist thought, cope hope, or spirituality need to embrace the absurdity of existence as well as gallows humor - at least until there comes a time in which we may be able to escape our flesh prisons.