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Wroisu t1_j9037wv wrote

For the earth, the Gravitational Binding Energy is about 2x10^32 Joules, or about 12 days of the Sun's total energy output, Mr. Big Thinker.

There’s no way an AI would randomly be able to control that amount of energy without us knowing of the mechanisms used to control such energy, let alone seeing the structures built to move that energy around in a useful way.

Not understanding how physics work & thinking that AI will suddenly rewrite it one day is what you get when you browse an echo chamber for your information on such things.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j903o4e wrote

>>There’s no way an AI would randomly be able to control that amount of energy without us knowing of the mechanisms used to control such energy, let alone seeing the structures built to move that energy around in a useful way.

Why not? Are you dumb enough to assume AGI will never surpass human cognitive abilities? Please tell me you’re not that stupid…


Wroisu t1_j9042i4 wrote

Cognitive ability doesn’t translate to immediate R&D, you could think up a trillion ways to do something, each better than the last, but you still have to build the equipment that does the thing you want to do research on etc. for every iteration of your idea.

That doesn’t mean that it won’t be quick, but that these things aren’t magic - as you seem to be suggesting immense intellect would be.

Eventually you get to the point where Isaac Asimov’s “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” holds true, but that doesn’t happen over night.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j904qxu wrote

It does happen overnight in a technological singularity tho. That’s why it’s also sometimes referred to as the “intelligence explosion”.