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Cryptizard t1_j9otoix wrote

This sub seems to attract a hugely disproportionate number of people with mental health disorders.


fractal_engineer t1_j9ow52n wrote

And zealots that have replaced religion and heaven with the singularity and live forever technology


Mokebe890 t1_j9p52m7 wrote

Thats the goal, isnt it?


Gym_Vex t1_j9p5p4x wrote

No religiosity is not a part of the singularity :/ worshiping AI and tech is not healthy for anyone also it’s kinda cringe


dasnihil t1_j9p8m6u wrote

thank you, mofos here make me cringe all day but i guess my coping mechanism is to come here and cringe at other people's coping mechanisms lol. that's cringey too, but i'm this close to getting over this singularity hype and leaving this sub. i'm sane and coherent and want to stay that way, esp when AGI overlords come to harvest us soon.


Mokebe890 t1_j9p9dxs wrote

The second part not the first, should had put the /s


IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE t1_j9p1pvz wrote

This sub, /r/preppers, basically any sub with an undertone of doomsaying will always attract the mentally unwell.


Fuzzers t1_j9p38jm wrote

Yeah what the hell happened. I like coming here to read articles about advancements in AI, not quasi religious zealots picketing for the end of the mankind.


GPT-5entient t1_j9p3bhj wrote

Not even in top 100 crazy subs in my opinion. Have you checked r/collapse, r/conspiracy or many, many others? Yeah, lately this sub got a bit too popular thanks yo ChatGPT, etc., but there are a lot crazier subs. Even r/Futurology is a doomer central now.


povlov0987 t1_j9oxbia wrote

And rich teens who can’t even wipe their own asses


maskedpaki t1_j9p13ad wrote

yuli ban has a decent track record of predictions from what ive seen.

not sure if he has mental health issues.


Cr4zko t1_j9p3sop wrote

Yudkowsky was it. If you go on less er... savory parts of the internet (read as Kiwi Farms/Encyclopedia Dramatica or any other forum ran by an edgy 15 year old on his mother's basement which I might not know of) and surprisingly you'll get an eye-opening biography on the guy from the late 90s from today. Dude's basically a cult leader. Just ignore all of the politics and the racism and you'll get the picture.


GenoHuman t1_j9ot3yo wrote

You are incredibly cringe.


Darustc4 t1_j9owvhx wrote

Why? Why are you sure he is wrong/cringe/misguided?


hapliniste t1_j9p1a4p wrote

Because it doesn't seem he know anything about the technology but is preaching quasi-prophetic messages about it.


Darustc4 t1_j9p21rt wrote

IMO it is the best thing to do. Promote fear of AI so that the people realize it is dangerous and we buy some time to get alignment work in.
I am an AI safety researcher and let me tell you, it's not looking great: AI is getting stupidly powerful incredibly quick and we are nowhere close to getting them to be safe/aligned.


FOlahey t1_j9oyjos wrote

Yeah, OP is just suggesting that Singularity could hugely benefit the world (if we align our values to collaborate) with things like conquering biological death. Or it could go belly up (if we don’t align and stay competitive) and a few entities will just disrupt the economy and people will lose their livelihood without any significant gains for the masses.

I’m hoping AI paints a picture for the true nature of interaction between the self and the universe through the senses and brain chemistry. Then we can get clearer answers of reality. Conclusive answers about neuroscience, psychiatry, Autism, shamanism, and drugs. Then maybe we can all get on the same page about mental health/religion and advance the human race together.


IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE t1_j9p1y0j wrote

OP you should work on actually making detailed arguments and not just unsubstantiated claims. Your post comes off as unhinged.


Foundation12a t1_j9ot1wa wrote

I disagree. Even if there was a change or slowdown it would not be predictable now we are at such an early stage in the adoption of the technology and what it will be used for.


joshuaklinger t1_j9p00rj wrote

Posts like this are why lame people on the internet compare AI to Crypto.


paulyivgotsomething t1_j9oulen wrote

all we have now are a set of very interesting useful new tools. It is connecting way to many dots to say we are doomed. the LLM may be the off ramp that we spend time on for the next 10 years and realize it will not get us to agi. by then we will have plenty of time to think it through and be better prepared. sure maybe not but it is a possibility


AsheyDS t1_j9oxdxt wrote

>the LLM may be the off ramp that we spend time on for the next 10 years and realize it will not get us to agi.

By 'we' I assume you mean the general public, because AGI development is continuing while people play around with LLMs.


gantork t1_j9oy8nu wrote

What made you change your opinion?


crunchycode t1_j9ozppd wrote

Fortunately, chimpanzees are pretty damn good at tightrope! Whew.


easy_c_5 t1_j9p0hyv wrote

Why human values? What's so special about them? Most of them are conflictual anyways and just a current in-progress thing, not some final, best values. There are possibly better values one can have.


RiotNrrd2001 t1_j9p3ds6 wrote

The world just got a couple of free interns. They know a lot, but they're inexperienced, kind of dumb in some ways, and they make glaring errors. On the other hand, it's always easier to edit than it is to compose, so having some rough-draft writing fools spit out a bunch of nicely worded and formatted stuff at you, half of which is wrong, is actually just fine for a lot of things. It doesn't save you 100% of your work time, but it sure cuts it down. Jobs that used to involve direct creation will now be more exercises in proofreading and editing.

That, by itself, is enough to upend things. Even if we don't get AGI. Even if ChatGPT and Bing get no more accurate than they are right now. Just the tools we now have, we've only had widely available for a very short time, and people are still working out what they can do. The pebble's been dropped into the pond, but many ripples are only now starting to become visible (e.g., Amazon is just now reporting seeing a huge influx of ChatGPT-authored content, etc.)

The real AGI fun is down the road. But that doesn't mean some fun isn't still starting.


SeriousRope7 t1_j9qi6qs wrote

I find your posts interesting, it says [removed]. Any way I could read it?


just-a-dreamer- t1_j9ozp1i wrote

Jesus, that software is really not that powerfull. You will be fine.