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challengethegods t1_j7wttr0 wrote

"most AI experts don't think we'll have a singularity-like event for at least a few decades, if not longer" ok well, partly that's because singularity isn't very well defined, and partly that's because many AI-experts have their head stuck in the sand trying to figure out extremely specific things and not noticing the massive forest for the tree, so to speak... That being said, any expert that thinks 'AGI' is a 2050+ thing or 'impossible' is either joking or not as smart as you think they are.

If you want to know what 'copium' looks like, then look no further than the endless moving goalpost of what counts as AI. This has been going on for like 60 years. Every time AI can do new things, people come out to nitpick and say "well it can't do XYZ and never will because reasons" and then the AI does that too and they come back "well it's not AI because it didn't do it perfectly" and then it does it perfectly and they come back and say "well it isn't really AI because XYZ doesn't prove anything, a real AI could do ABC" and on and on it goes until it subjugates you in every possible way.


EmergentSubject2336 t1_j7yeinu wrote

2030: robots do most manual labor, white collar jobs are already automated: "They are just a bunch of computers predicting what will happen next based on calculations! This is not real AI!"