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NoPaleontologist5222 t1_j7x01sc wrote

Agree on principles and current hyper growth companies time horizon from the 99 peak hype bubble to the incredible life changing tech we have today. Netflix took 25 years to become an under appreciated behemoth of content creation and the established cable industry + Hollywood scoffed at its mailback DVD business back then.. they are now investing a billion in creating a Hollywood of the east in NJ… but it still took them 25 years.

My guess is this is actually a good timeline to go by for true change as the established players die / retire out of the position of power they hold today.

Always remember that just because money means so much to everyone that doesn’t have “enough” it starts to become more and more meaningless the less of it you need. Power and control over shaping things to your vision of how they “should be” means way more to the decision makers signing the POs. They are more interested in keeping things the way it suits their lifestyle than disrupting their lives.