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ComplicitSnake34 t1_j7yjdlq wrote

I think most people are still busy having their mind blown away that AI can make art and voice acting. Nearly every tech source was saying accounting and labor jobs would be automated by 2025 and that art would be nearly impossible for AI to replicate. That 180 turn with art being the first thing to be automated has absolutely shattered peoples' minds into believing AI can do anything.
While I do find it hilariously ironic, I understand a lot of peoples' frustration with AI. I knew people who thought they were making the right call by majoring in creative /business fields because, "AI will automate numbers before art". Now it seems most creative/office work can be automated which has admittedly upset a lot people.
Now when it comes to the singularity I believe the concept has ascended to a religious-like status for some people since having their minds blown. There haven't been any charlatans, yet, but I suspect "the singularity" becoming a more mainstream movement.