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CesareGhisa t1_j7yt6gt wrote

Excellent post, I totally agree. I am a big supporter of technological evolution and I believe we can get excellent gains from all these amazing developments over the next few years and decades. Having said that, I see in this sub lots of people that have a kind of "religious" approach. Once upon a time there was religion that promised us to save us from all difficulties and evil and give us eternal life. Now the religious feeling is on average not so strong and widespread as in the past, and we are asking the same things to the so called "singularity". On a more mundane level, it looks to me that lots of people here expect the singularity to level off all jobs, or even actuallly making them obsolete, in the hope of an egualitarian society where nobody needs to work and where many other issues are magically sorted by AI. Well, these are actually some of Kurzweil's predictions to be fair, and it makes sense that a sub called "singularity" refers to this scenario. But from what I can see happening today I doubt its healthy to have all these certainties and expectations over such a short period of time.

Basically there are two positions here. One positive but cautious about unforeseeable developments, and also cautious about the forecasted timing. The other is more cult-like and utopian, expecting in 5/10 years max that society will be completely disrupted. I don't know how it will pan out over the decades, but sticking to the next 20 years I personally don't think at all there will be a huge disruption of society as we know it.