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snavenayr t1_ja41o5h wrote

The only difference between lead and a pencil and diamond is the way the atoms are configured. With trillions and trillions of low cost nanobots at our disposal we'll be able to recreate any material we need. That's probably not until the 2030s though. The solution to housing now is building up with robots doing the labor. Go on YouTube and type in 57 stories in 19 days. We already have the technology to mass produce luxury high rises. Every floor is typical so it wouldn't be hard to train them even without AGI. For now humans will still be needed to connect the mains but with AGI happening likely within a few years, humans will be free to enjoy our lives. This won't happen one day but gradually over the next few years. We should immediately drop the work week to 32 hours if not 24 so people can focus on bettering themselves and spending more time with their kids, friends and family. It's as simple as governments passing a law that says companies have to pay time and a half after 32 hours work week, and then eventually 24, etc to allow for a gradual evolution to the new paradigm. There's a lot of stressed out economic wage slaves out there and we need to start undoing the damage caused by this system ASAP.